B.E. Meyers & Co. Inc. Appoints Brigadier General Peter L. Jones (USA, Ret.) to its Corporate Board of Advisors

B.E. Meyers & Co., Inc. is honored to announce the appointment of Brigadier General Peter L. Jones (USA, Ret.) to its Corporate Board of Advisors as of the 1st of November, 2017.

BG (R) Jones recently retired as the Commandant and Chief of Infantry at the United States Army Infantry School in Fort Benning, GA, following 32 years of service to his country in the U.S. Army. Brigadier General Jones’ appointment will expand the B.E. Meyers & Co. Advisory Board already in place, and his expertise will be invaluable as B.E. Meyers & Co. continues to strengthen its product portfolio and global presence.

“I am excited to join the B.E. Meyers Team – a true leader in providing advanced laser technology to our warfighters and law enforcement professionals,” said Brigadier General Jones, from his home in Columbus, Georgia. “B.E. Meyers’ commitment to quality and innovation is respected worldwide, and I’m excited to serve as a member of Board of Advisors.”

This appointment is also a reconnection of sorts, as in 2003 then-LTC Jones was the Battalion Commander of 1st Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment in Baghdad and Iskandariyah, Iraq, where Matthew Meyers, now President and CEO of B.E. Meyers & Co. Inc., served in his command as a Platoon Leader. “As a new Platoon Leader in OIF1, BG (R) Jones provided a tremendous level of leadership and advice, and we have maintained contact since that time” said Matt Meyers. “I am extremely honored and humbled that BG (R) Jones has agreed to continue a working relationship in an official capacity as part of the B.E. Meyers Team.”

Brigadier General (R) Peter L. Jones was commissioned as an Infantry Officer in the U.S. Army upon graduation from the United States Military Academy in 1985. Throughout his 32-year career, BG Jones has served in numerous staff and leadership positions, both in the continental United States and overseas, and led Soldiers from Company through Brigade. In his last assignment, he was responsible of building and sustaining the Infantry force as the 56th Chief of Infantry.

BG (R) Jones has deployed six times. As a member of the 1st Infantry Division, he deployed twice to Kosovo in support of NATO peace keeping operations. He also has four combat deployments serving in Iraq as commander of a 900-man Infantry Battalion operating in Baghdad and as a commander of a 5,500-man Heavy Brigade Combat Team operating in the five provinces south of Baghdad. Additionally, he has served as a strategic planner at the 4-star multinational headquarters in Iraq and Afghanistan.

BG (R) Pete Jones has also served in numerous staff positions at all levels from Battalion to Headquarters, Department of the Army. Most notably, he served for over two years as the Executive Officer to the Secretary of the Army as the Army shifted operational focus from Iraq to Afghanistan while managing the budget challenges posed by sequestration. 

In his last assignment, BG (R) Jones served for two years as the Infantry School Commandant and 56th Chief of Infantry. During his tenure, he oversaw the integration and training of female Soldiers and Officers into the Infantry force. Additionally, he oversaw the study of Russian use of disruptive technologies and hybrid operations in the Ukraine and Syria as the Director, Russian New Generation Warfare. 

In addition to a Bachelor of Science Degree from West Point, BG Jones holds advanced degrees from Georgetown University, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, and National Defense University. He is also the recipient of Bronze Star Medal for Valor, the Combat Infantryman Badge, the Parachutist Badge and the Ranger Tab.